RinaldoRiverside Vet Clinic

Guinea Pig Diet

Guinea pigs do not tolerate dietary or environmental changes well. Food preferences are established early in life, and they can refuse to eat if their food changes in type or even presentation. A good idea is to expose new pets while still  young to different types of food so that they become accustomed to variety. Any change in food or water containers should be introduced gradually. Sudden changes in diet can also affect the balance of bacteria and protozoa in the large intestine, resulting in digestive problems. 

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Feeding Birds: What Foods to Avoid

These foods can KILL your bird:

Food/ Drinks

Why Should It Not Be Given

Avocado Pear – including fruit, bark,leaves, pips ... Contains an extremely toxic fatty acid derivative called Persin which can cause cardiac distress and heart failure.

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Feather Plucking

What is feather plucking?

Feather plucking is a behavioural disorder commonly seen in captive birds that bite or pluck their own feathers. The areas of the body that are mainly plucked are the more accessible regions such as the chest and thighs. Feather plucking has not been reported in wild birds, except in the case of a female of some species that pull out breast feathers to line a nest.

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Parakeet / Parrot Care

Cage: Prison Or Palace?

In the wild, birds fly long distances during the course of daily activities. While necessary for your bird's safety while you're not at home, any cage restricts natural movement. Even a bird with trimmed wings needs plenty of space to exercise, stretch out the wings and explore. The cage should be the biggest that you can possibly afford. 

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Indian Mynah Diet

Indian Mynahs in the wild are natural scavengers that eat a very wide variety of food types. A general guideline to follow is the “Rule of Ten”: give at least 10 different types of food apart from pellets or other commercial food. Mynahs have difficulty in breaking up food and do not have a crop to store it, so always grate food or chop it into small pieces.


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Parakeet / Parrot Diet

Natural Diet In The Wild

Parrots living in the wild eat a large variety of food types, including berries, leaves, twigs, shoots, flowers and their buds, seeds and insects. Captive birds need a very wide range of foods in order to maintain good health and feather quality.

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Eclectus Parrot Diet

Natural Diet in the Wild

Parrots living in the wild eat a large variety of food types, including berries, leaves, twigs, shoots, flowers and their buds, seeds and insects. Captive birds need a very wide range of foods in order to maintain good health and feather quality.


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Rabbit Diet

The Best Diet For A Rabbit Diet

1) A constant supply of grass and good quality grass hay (eg Eragrostus hay). In the wild, rabbits chew grass for up to 20 hours a day. Their teeth grow constantly throughout their lives, and without plenty of chewing, their teeth will not be worn down adequately. Sharp spurs on the back teeth and overgrown incisors may result

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